成立於2015年的Finger and Toe是一個備受讚譽的團隊,各個風格奇異的動畫師,捕捉人們心中最瘋狂的想法、情感和夢想,顛覆視覺敘事的邊界。經常與其他傑出的藝術家合作,將富有想像力的作品完美融入多樣的風格和技術中,從而創造出生動流暢的動畫。
Finger and Toe將緊密聯繫的團隊視為由多個單⼀有機體結合成的組織,我們的名字本⾝就提醒⼈們尊重最細微的聲⾳,並勉勵⾃⼰從不同的視⾓來看待世界。
Founded in 2015 Finger and Toe is an acclaimed team of eccentric design-driven animators pushing the boundaries of visual storytelling. Often collaborating with other exceptional artists their imaginative work seamlessly integrates different artistic styles and technologies to create smooth, vivid animations capable of capturing humanity’s wildest ideas, emotions, and dreams.
Finger and Toe see their close-knit team as a single collaborative organism, much like a colony of ants. Their name itself is a reminder to respect even the smallest voices and to challenge themselves to see from different perspectives.
106 台北市大安區安和路二段217巷12號
No. 12, Lane 217, Section 2, Anhe Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106
T+886 2-2719-8792 / F+886 2-2718-2431